Significance of Incorporating Visual and Voice Search in your Website
The digital world is evolving with passing time and the emergence of new trends and rapid technological advancements are helping change the digital space on a daily basis. The most popular innovations that are expected to shape the virtual world are Artificial Intelligence, Visual and Voice Search systems, and mobile technology.
The biggest brands are very much aware of these trends and are incorporating them in their websites. Redesigning your website to accommodate the latest digital innovations is a vital step if you want to take full advantages of all the opportunities the digital world has to offer. Website redesign can be both simple and interesting with the help of experienced professionals and right digital marketing firm.
It is said that early adopters who are quick enough to redesign their websites to support visual and voice search with Voice Search Optimization technique will benefit from higher conversion rates and increased website traffic. The marketers will understand the exact needs and wants of existing and potential customers with the help of queries made via visual and voice search. Visual and voice search technology is considered to be more interactive thereby allowing enhanced customer engagement.
Significance of Incorporating Visual and Voice Search in your Website
The Digital Space is a competitive world and hence to succeed one must be quick to accommodate the changing needs of its customers through efficient website redesigns. Present day web users value speed and functionality over everything else. Most people on the internet prefer a minimalist design that works smoothly even when the Internet speed is slow. Hence redesigning your company’s website at regular intervals can prove to be beneficial for your business. Visual and Voice Search options not only makes it easier to for the customer to find the product or the service but also helps in engaging the curiosity and interest of customers.
1. Voice Search

Over the past few years the dynamic world of digital marketing and e-commerce has undergone some massive changes. In the last decade, Smartphone has played a vital role in bringing about a change in the domain of digital marketing. Almost every individual owns a Smartphone, which makes it possible for them to buy things no matter where they are.
Artificial Intelligence and Digital Assistants have played a remarkable role in changing the course of the digital marketing industry. Customers can now find out what they want by just making a simple verbal inquiry with the help of virtual assistants like Cortona, Alexa, and Siri. Therefore when the voice search feature is used the voice search feature becomes a lot more intuitive and natural.
Hence it can be said that customers automatically favor brands and companies that do offer voice search options, as it prevents them having to think about the suitable keyword and terminology for the item they want to buy, and then type it all in. All they need to do is simply ask a question and get the top results for the query.
Advantages of Voice Search
More Optimized Online Business
Google Assistant & Siri are used widely across the globe. People tend to fix their issues without having to waste energy in typing. Usually, not everyone follows a pattern in their day to day life to search for something online, but there are some “first choice decisions” that users can’t avoid while browsing the internet. Voice search allows you to optimize local searches by analyzing what people are searching online in their daily lives.
The local-level optimization is something that can make your online business ranks higher in specific locations and make your business piled up with customer’s orders.
Multiple languages
When people talk and don’t type, they will spell words in any language. The majority of questions will be able to define the keyword in various languages and then plot the same response against it by speech recognition. India alone has 22 official languages and anyone who doesn’t read, write or speak English can search in their native language. This is where you can stay above your competitors and reach out to anyone who is looking for your products & services in their local language.
2. Visual Search

Some of the most successful companies such as Amazon, eBay, Pinterest and Google have already incorporated visual search technology. Present day customers are moving from text based browsing to the more accurate and efficient way of visual and voice based search. It has been predicted that within the next few years about 80 percent of all Internet searches will be conducted via speech or images.
The most vital reason for the growing popularity of visual search technology is that the medium is not constrained by the limitations of language. With the help of an image, you can find out an item of which you are not even aware. The digital space is growing rapidly, with visual search and voice search being one of the latest innovations. In order to stay profitable, businesses must take an initiative to redesign their websites so as to accommodate alt tag visual searchers and voice search enthusiasts. These few steps will prove to be a game-changer for your business thereby attracting the new generation of digital customers. To re-design your website to Voice Search & Visual Search contact the best web development company in Siliguri.
Advantages of Visual Search
Let the Next Generation Discover You
With no fewer than 60% of next-generation individuals are now only discovering products through social apps & visual search and 69% looking to buy straight from the back of the sites, there has never been a better opportunity to get your brand discovered beyond conventional search fields. Once your business in enabled with visual search, that 60% of customer base who are using visual search is yours depending on your SEO ranking.
Offer to those consumers who have made a commitment
You will find your site engaging with people who have already made their perceptions whether they’d like to make a purchase with properly optimized content through visual search. So, avoiding this would bring you a great loss of losing potential customers and we assume you will really not like it. Visual search not only gives your online business a better exposure but also gives fruitful results upon implementation.