Social Media Platforms to Look Forward in 2021 for Business
If you have a business you must be on social media and if you aren’t, you are probably missing out on effective marketing tools. We all know that people are on social media all day long and hence brands must also go where the people are. Social Media Platform is best suited for any business. Invest your skills and time where you’re more likely to reach your target audience. Here are the basics about various social media platforms.
1. Facebook

It is one of the most popular social media platforms and it is necessary for every business to have a Facebook page. Facebook can turn out to be invaluable for small businesses when you use it correctly. You can share everything ranging from photos to important company updates on Facebook. You can also have access to powerful advertising tools and in-depth analytics with a business account.
2. Instagram

It is becoming increasingly popular and there is no shortage of tools businesses can use to promote their services and products. It is a visual platform based on photos and videos. Make sure that the person who is running your account must have a good idea of basic photography skills. Photos and videos posted to your account must be of high quality.
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- Photo Ads:
You might think that photos are regular posts but they do have a sponsored label above the photo. Also there is a Learn More Button in the right corner of the photo.
- Video Ads:
The videos might look like regular photo posts but have a sponsored label on top.
- Carousel Ads:
It looks identical to photo ads but features multiple photos that users can swipe through.
3. Twitter

This platform is great for short updates and sharing links to blog posts.One can share short tweets, videos, images , links, polls and much more on Twitter. This is the platform where you can easily interact with your users by simply mentioning users in your post. Twitter is an effective tool for spreading the word if you have an interesting content.
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- Promoted Tweets
These are like regular tweets and do appear in a user’s Twitter feed. It is a way for advertisers to increase engagement and also expand their reach to a wider group of users.
- Promoted Accounts
It helps brands become more discover-able and grow their number of followers. It targets Twitter users who have interests relevant to the advertiser’s brand so that the brands can gain followers.
- Promoted Trends
It appears at the top of trending topics list in the trend box on twitter. Promoted trends are visible to almost everyone when the trends are being promoted. It also visible on Twitter mobile apps.
4. Pinterest

This platform allows users to save and display content by pinning. It also has a series of special types of pins known as Rich Pins which can be used by brands to add specific information to their pin. It is great for niche business but not for every company. Some of the popular categories on Pinterest are DIY projects, fashion, exercise , photography, beauty and food.
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Pinterest Ads look more like regular pins but the only difference is you’re paying for your pins to be see n by more people. Promoted pins provide with a snowball effect which drives more visibility to your pin. It is also very important to make your promoted pins look helpful and like a regular pin.
5. Snapchat

This social media platform is another mobile-only visual social media network that is know for its disappearing content. With the help of Snapchat users can send photos and videos to each other or even post content to their public stories. The content can be saved as well as uploaded anywhere. Snapchat has expanded to include chat, image storage, messaging, events and media content. There is less pressure to create super quality content as the posts are temporary. A small business can make use of this opportunity but also keep in mind that only the users you have added can check your stories.
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- Snap Ads:
These are 10 seconds, full screen vertical videos. It can offer some type of interactive element.
- Sponsored Geo-filters:
It allows users to send snaps from specific locations.
- Sponsored Lens:
It is more interactive as compared to geofilters.
6. YouTube

Youtube is a video sharing platform where one can upload, share, rate and comment on content. It is owned by Google and is a huge hub for news and entertainment. It is very much important to have a tailored video editor producing content as the platform is driven by creativity in nature. Your business does not really require a channel to market on this platform. YouTube influencers publish frequent videos and often maintain large audiences. It is common that businesses partner with YouTubers for product placements as they have large number of audiences.
Advertising on YouTube
When a user is browsing or searching content on YouTube or across the Web, discovery ads appear. Clips are limited to 30 seconds and can be as short or long as you want. Every time someone clicks on the ad to watch the full video you’ll be charged.
7. Linkedin

It might not be one of the most popular social media platform but has 260 million monthly users and is the best platform for professional networking. This platform helps in finding top talent thereby promoting your business. Likendin is more professional as compared to other social media platforms. It is a professional platform that is the best place to post job openings and information about company culture.
At the blog I am sure you must be intrigued to market your business on various social media platforms. Technogleam is one such company where you can get your job done right. Feel free to contact for any social media campaign.